active 3 months agoOur main idea is to create a course during the scholar year 2025-2026 where one or two groups of youngsters ages 14-19 would meet every other week to follow a program about employment guided by two trainers. The program aims to be theoretical and practical, allowing youngsters to go to job shadows for example. The idea is to develop this program in each country, share the experience, and create a guide for tackling unemployment among youth. Maybe mobility among some of the participants could be an option.
Damour joined the project idea
Youthworks 3 months ago
Saroj joined the project idea
Youthworks 3 months, 1 week ago
IZUM created the project idea
Youthworks 3 months, 2 weeks ago
Hello! We are looking for partners from Finland, Latvia, or Sweden who are interested in joining this idea.
Dear Izum,
We are Helsinki based Company Cogknit that provides digital tools and service for integration in local job market. Our solutions include Learning Management System, Space for workshops/coaching/mentoring/training with Skill Integration with 360 assessment (self, peer, mentor, teacher, expert), Skill framework integration and assessment…[Read more]
Dear Saroj, Thank you so much for your interest! This project is currently being sent for approval. In any case, we would like to talk about further cooperation for this project after the resolution if it is approved or for another project in the future. Do you have any presentation about your organization that I can add to our portfolio of…[Read more]